Jean Charles Doesn't Know About Lighting

Once I started getting into all the wedding details myself (because Jean Charles was fired), it did occur to me that the proposed start time of 5/5:30pm might be too late. In October, the sun obviously sets earlier which affects the amount of natural light we get for photographs. With both photographers and videographers having to work with this element, it was extremely perplexing why we didn't start earlier at 4pm. It wasn't like we had a long pre-ceremony planned or hundreds of guests to manage.
It just so happened that a couple days before the wedding we took a boat out on the lake and we passed by Villa Balbiano around 5:30pm. I could see the ceremony area was already getting dark which meant getting good photos afterwards would be nearly impossible. I had hired a new planner by that time to help us coordinate the final details of the event and we moved the start time to 4pm.
What was even more interesting was that later on we would find out from the videographers that they had expressed their lighting concerns to Jean Charles, but for some reason he didn't mention it to us and continued to carry on with the later start time. This one hour delay could have drastically ruined a lifetime of memories one hopes for from a wedding in Lake Como. It's a big deal. It's a really fucking big deal, and I can't believe Jean Charles didn't do his research to corroborate this important detail.